With fall just beginning to settle in, you may find yourself extremely busy. You could have children returning to school. You could be going back to school yourself or transitioning back into your old daily grind. Nevertheless, the arrival of fall typically means getting back in the swing of things, but it also means something else… Halloween! One trip to your local grocery store has probably turned you on to this delightfully spooky holiday’s impending arrival in the form of copious amounts of candy for sale and pumpkin decorations. Of course, you may feel a bit too old (or simply not spry enough) to go trick or treating. Adults, however, can enjoy another treat once Halloween rolls in: craft beer! Here are some amazing and witchy craft beers for you to enjoy on Halloween night and throughout the autumn season.
Campfire Stout
The ‘Campfire Stout’ is perfect for those with an unwavering sweet tooth! The unique brew consists not only of the usual ingredients, but also includes toasted marshmallows, chocolate malt and graham crackers. This guarantees this particular brand of craft beer packs a delightfully sugary punch, perfect for those cozy nights by the fire exchanging stories or even enjoying a few scary movies! Fans especially remark upon the texture of the Campfire Stout, which is touted as a “creamy” and witchy craft beer.
Originally created in Austin, Texas, the ‘Wytchmaker’ is perfect for those looking for something a bit lighter than the average beer. The Wytchmaker brew classifies as a pale ale and boasts a unique fermentation process in comparison to many other beers on the market. Its makers, the Jester King Brewery, use a combination of bacteria and various forms of yeast, as well as Goldings, Simcoe and Citra hops, to create a unique flavor. Much of the yeast comes right from the heart of Texas, making the Wytchmaker truly homegrown.
Arctic Blast
Another sweet brew, the ‘Arctic Blast’ features a combination of vanilla and chocolate, all bundled together into one smooth and warm package. Many who have tried this particular brew note the chocolate creates a pleasant, toasty taste that leaves a similar sensation on the way down. Consider making this your replacement for hot chocolate with marshmallows as the months get colder this year!
Pirate Bomb
Hailing from Tulsa, Oklahoma, the ‘Pirate Bomb’ is another warm potential companion to the aforementioned Arctic Blast. Both of these witchy craft beers boast a mixture of vanilla and chocolate, though the Pirate Bomb is a bit more intense. In addition to those two ingredients, it also features chiles and coffee. The chocolate included in this brew is not the average chocolate either, but cacao nibs. This particular craft beer is perfect for those looking to enjoy a drink with a bit more kick than the average beer!
While preparing for fall can be a stressful time, we hope these suggestions of witchy craft beers will encourage you to relax when you can. You deserve it! For other tips on how to kick back and enjoy life, as well as the food and drink within it, check out our blog!
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