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10 Weight Loss Tips That Actually Work

Whether you’ve just made the decision to lose weight as a New Year’s Resolution or are continuing a pre-established weight loss journey, we know how challenging an endeavor this can be. Many people who have started down the weight loss path often wind up lost and unable to figure out the best steps or follow bad advice.

In fact, you may be one of those people. If you are, worry not. We have some tips on how to get back on track and fulfill (or bolster) your weight loss goals for this new year.

  1. Change up your exercise routine. When you go to the gym, don’t focus solely on your cardio workout. Instead, mix in some muscle training to speed up your metabolism and tone yourself up.
  2. Sundays shouldn’t just be for prepping your meals. While meal prep is an important part of the weight loss process, you should also devote time to thinking about other elements, such as your weekly exercise routine. Making a few notes in your spare time will do wonders because it forces you to make a mental commitment you’re more likely to stick to.
  3. Automate more of your meals. Preparing a week’s worth of salads in advance to grab and go can make a world of difference in your nutrition and calorie intake. You can use alternating ingredients as well, just for the sake of variety.
  4. Don’t go for low-calorie substitutions. Instead of giving halfway into the foods you’re craving, consider going for more nutritious snack choices. You will not only receive greater health benefits, but be more satisfied than if you’d settled for scarfing down a brownie.
  5. Don’t pigeonhole your eating habits. Eating in moderation doesn’t fit everyone. Some people are unable to moderate themselves and their intake of certain foods. In this case, it is better to cut certain foods out than try and fail at limiting yourself.
  6. Eat more vegetables. This is a much better alternative than downsizing the amount of food you eat. This ensures you’ll have a satisfying meal with well-rounded macronutrients, which will benefit you twice over.
  7. Learn how your hunger works. Too often we are tempted to take a lunch break just because that is what our schedule dictates or because we’re feeling the slightest bit peckish. Instead, try to let your hunger linger a little so you can learn how it feels for you and what foods are the most satisfying.
  8. Junk foods are okay. It’s perfectly fine to indulge every so often! Just make sure you get all of the nutritious foods you’ve filled your list with beforehand.
  9. Pull yourself out of your ruts. While your weight loss journey may feel like a hopeless endeavor, the choice is entirely yours to make. If you feel forced into this decision, remember first and foremost it is a decision you made on your own and shift your perspective so you’re more receptive to the benefits.
  10. Don’t set your meal planning in stone. You should always be open to changes, since anything can happen—from boredom with the food you have to sudden outings with friends. It always helps to stay flexible.

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Written by Director

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